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UN Women, in partnership with Unilever, developed this guide to support the implementation of the “Global Women’s Safety Framework in Rural Spaces” (GWSF). The guide…
This handbook, produced by UN Women and the ILO, provides practical guidance and examples of how to address violence and harassment against women in various work…
This policy brief reviews the effects of cash transfers on the rights and capabilities of adolescent girls and boys, using a gender and capability lens and focusing on…
This compendium of practices illustrates a wide range of strategies, practices, and tools from women’s safety partnerships in cities that form part of UN Women’s Safe…
This guidance note offers practical direction for addressing violence against women on university campuses and presents a series of actions that universities can take to…
TRANSFORM Issue 14, “Working together to empower voices”, is a special edition focused on the inter-related themes of gender, evaluation, transformative change,…
The new Global Women’s Safety Framework adapts UN Women’s longstanding initiative on Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces for women and girls through incorporating…
This report includes the main proceedings of UN Women’s Fourth Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces Global Leaders’ Forum on the theme “Leadership and Catalytic…
This publication intends to support policy makers, employers, and activists by sharing UN Women’s work on this topic and offering new guidance on policy and practice on…
This report provides a summary of the discussions of the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on violence against women in politics (VAWP), held on 8–9 March 2018 in New York. It…