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The pandemic has tested and even reversed progress in expanding women’s rights and opportunities. “Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The gender snapshot…
This publication discusses ways to broaden the scope of gender-responsive procurement from a focus on only promoting women’s enterprises to also including gender-…
This global report presents results of the Safe City and Safe Public Spaces for Women and Girls initiatives from a range of cities across the globe. It illustrates what…
This issue of TRANSFORM summarizes the “Corporate evaluation of UN Women’s UN system coordination and broader convening role in ending violence against women…
In 2021, the Independent Evaluation Service conducted the corporate evaluation of UN Women’s UN system coordination and broader convening role in ending violence…
Issue no. 20 summarizes the “Effectiveness and efficiency assessment of UN Women flagship programme initiatives and thematic priorities of the Strategic Plan 2018…
This guidance tool aims to explain the practical steps towards enhancing the quality of women’s land rights data and statistics for data producers, analysts, and…
Issue no. 19 summarizes the meta-synthesis of “UN Women evaluations: Insights on organizational effectiveness and efficiency”. This meta-synthesis brings…
This report presents key stakeholders’ perspectives around UN Women’s strategic plan 2022–2025 based on a survey conducted in 2020 as part of global,…
This brief details some of the ways safe city partners from different sectors, in a short six months, have taken action in line with the recommendations set out in UN…