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The Taliban’s position on women’s rights has been central to its worldview and vision for society. This gender alert documents how changing dynamics in Afghanistan are…
In this report, the UN Secretary-General provides information on the global prevalence of female genital mutilation and its impacts on women and girls, referencing…
Using examples of work in 2021 and achievements over the first ten years of the organization, the 2021 report highlights how regular resources remain the bedrock for UN…
This Rapid Gender Analysis, carried out by UN Women and CARE International, seeks to draw attention to the gender dynamics in the humanitarian crisis resulting from the…
The Rapid gender analysis seeks to draw attention to the gender dynamics in the war in Ukraine—both preexisting and emerging—and draws out recommendations for…
The 2020 gender accountability framework report marks the third monitoring cycle of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)’s 2017 gender policy. It provides a…
In the first “gender alert” since the Taliban took over Kabul on 15 August 2021, UN Women brings gender data and analyses on the impact of the rapidly evolving context…
This report asks what needs to change in the approach of the United Nations system as a whole to make significant practical progress on gender equality in disaster risk…
UN Women’s tenth anniversary publication, “A decade of daring”, celebrates the milestones of the organization’s first 10 years.
This brief describes the Women’s Resilience to Disasters programme, which proposes a comprehensive package to strengthen the resilience of women and girls with the goal…