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The “Intersectionality resource guide and toolkit” aims to help both organizations and individual practitioners and experts address intersectionality in policies,…
This issue of TRANSFORM summarizes the “Corporate evaluation of UN Women’s UN system coordination and broader convening role in ending violence against women…
In 2021, the Independent Evaluation Service conducted the corporate evaluation of UN Women’s UN system coordination and broader convening role in ending violence…
This issue of TRANSFORM summarizes the “Corporate thematic evaluation of UN Women’s support to National Action Plans on women, peace, and security”. Through this…
Issue no. 20 summarizes the “Effectiveness and efficiency assessment of UN Women flagship programme initiatives and thematic priorities of the Strategic Plan 2018…
Issue no. 19 summarizes the meta-synthesis of “UN Women evaluations: Insights on organizational effectiveness and efficiency”. This meta-synthesis brings…
UN Women introduced the flagship programme initiatives (FPIs) as a means of consolidating and scaling-up the entity’s programming modalities to be fitter for…
This meta-synthesis brings together evidence from evaluations of UN Women’s organizational effectiveness and efficiency outputs. In addition to highlighting progress,…
UN Women has played a key role in supporting the development and implementation of National Action Plans (NAPs) on women, peace, and security (WPS) as the main tool by…
This document sets out the evaluation policy of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). The policy governs the independent…