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UNESCO, in collaboration with UN Women, UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO, published an updated guidance which promotes health and well-being, respect for human rights and…
The GICC is a dynamic partnership between UN Women and key representatives from the private sector, academia and nonprofit institutions focused on developing the…
The UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment, established by the United Nations Secretary-General in 2016, brought together leaders from…
This paper examines the interplay between the obligations related to the ‘family’ that States have assumed through various human rights treaties adopted over the decades…
Few programmes for economically empowering rural women in India have focused seriously on farming—the one occupation in which the women have most experience. This paper…
This implementation plan will guide UN Women to move forward with the recommended actions of the “System-wide strategy on gender parity”. The strategy includes six UN…
Adequate and dignified care provision for elderly populations is becoming an urgent policy issue, not only in high-income countries, but also in many middle- and low-…
This report was written to highlight the experiences of women living with HIV in accessing treatment and quality care. Led by a Global Reference Group of women living…
This brief synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on the gender dimensions of long-term care for older people. It underlines the need to…
To build on the current surge in demand for South–South and triangular cooperation and channel it into accelerated action for gender equality and women’s empowerment, UN…