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This research report, the second edition to ‘The Full View: Advancing the goal of gender balance in multilateral and intergovernmental processes’ (2013), examines…
The survey confirms that UN Women publications are widely useful to a diverse audience including the UN agencies, NGOs and CSOs, policy makers, development agencies,…
The purpose of this publication is to showcase emerging good practices of promoting women’s participation in the extractive industries sector that have been successfully…
This CEDAW-based legal review of the Magna Carta of migrant workers and the anti-trafficking laws in the Philippines is indispensable to give concrete recommendations on…
Commissioned by UN Women Ethiopia, this national assessment identifies and evaluates existing rehabilitation and reintegration service providers for women and girl-…
In this brief, learn more about how the New Urban Agenda strategically supports mainstreaming gender equality and women’s empowerment across all social development goals.
This review comprised chiefly of desk research. To determine whether the Philippines has complied with its state obligations, the study used the UN-identified CEDAW…
Reparations for conflict-related sexual violence remain a pressing issue in many parts of the world. The Conflict Did Not Bring Us Flowers brings the voices of survivors…
Issue no. 8 of TRANSFORM features the third meta-analysis of UN Women–commissioned evaluations since the adoption of the current Strategic Plan (2014–2017) with a focus…
Issue no. 7 of TRANSFORM aims to make more accessible conclusions and recommendations from the recently concluded evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to UN system…