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The UN Women policy brief series synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on key policy areas around gender equality and women’s rights in an…
This brief synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on making social protection floors work for women. It draws on key findings of UN Women’s…
This brief synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on creating an alternative macroeconomic agenda that is rights-based and gender-responsive…
This brief synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations for realizing the triple dividend from early childhood education and care services. It…
The Essential services package forms part of the United Nations Joint Global Programme on Essential Services for Women and Girls Subject to Violence. This programme is a…
Women continue to be underrepresented within UN senior level positions. Enacting an organizational cultural shift that enables the meaningful representation of women is…
The following booklet contains relevant sections of the principal international agreements over the past 20 years where countries have committed to responding to…
Prevention cannot be a short-term effort, but rather an endeavour that requires ongoing commitment from governments and other stakeholders, increased research to inform…
This brochure highlights the best ways for philanthropic and business leaders to drive transformative change through ideas, actions and financial commitments.
This booklet on the gender-related killing of women presents the recommendations for action on the issue and the tools and assistance offered by the United Nations…