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This publication provides findings from the recent evaluation of the “Dalit Women's Livelihood Accountability Initiative supported by the UN Women's Fund for Gender…
The publication provides findings from the recent evaluation of Strengthening Public Institutions in Favour of Equality and to Combat Discrimination: Creation of an…
This report takes stock of progress made by countries in Europe and Central Asia in reaching the MDGs and offers decision-makers policy-oriented, operationally feasible…
Gender Justice shows how addressing inequalities, including gender inequality, will be essential to achieving the MDGs.
This report, supported by 13 UN agencies, calls for a transformation to integrated policy making, where social equity, economic growth and environmental protection are…
This report is a pre-study to support the scoping process for the future Evaluation of Joint Gender Programmes (JPGs) in the UN system, which will evaluate the UN's…
This study is an analysis of the UNIFEM Strategic Plan (2008-2011), its associated results frameworks and institutional systems. It assesses UNIFEM's experience of…
This report highlights a compelling range of achievements in 2011 by grantees of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women.
Outreach: RIO+20 Discussions –The Zero Draft
As part of the networking and partnership activities, the EO supported 2011 Sri Lanka Evaluation Association (SLEvA) international conference by providing bursaries to…