GenderTerm: UN Women online resources on the use of gender-inclusive language

Newscaster Lady Belinda Juaw at the community radio station Spirit FM 99.9 Yei in South Sudan, spreads information about the importance of voting, particularly for young women. Photo: Norwegian People’s Aid/Werner Anderson via Flickr CC 2.0.
Photo: Norwegian People’s Aid/Werner Anderson via Flickr CC 2.0.

As the global champion for women and girls, UN Women recognizes the importance of language in fighting gender bias and promotes the use of gender-inclusive language in all contexts and at all times. Gender-inclusive language refers to language that places both women and men at the same level, and which does not convey gender stereotypes.

Our searchable gender-inclusive lexicon below includes some 650 entries in Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish. You can search it using the “Find a term” search, or alphabetically.

Additional resources used by UN Women to ensure gender-inclusive language are available on the right menu. These will be updated as necessary as the use of gender-inclusive language evolves.

Please feel free to use this searchable gender-inclusive lexicon and associated resources and share them widely among your peers. As this is a live document, should you have any questions or suggestions, or simply require further information, please contact GenderTerm.

Gender-sensitive lexicon



Human rights

Derechos humanos

Droits humains / droits fondamentaux / droits de la personne

حقوق الإنسان

Права человека

Human trafficking

Trata de personas/compraventa de seres humanos


Traite des personnes / traite des êtres humains


الإتجار بالبشر

Торговля людьми

Humanitarian action

Acción humanitaria

Action humanitaire

العمل الإنساني

Гуманитарная деятельность

Humanitarian aid

Asistencia humanitaria

Aide humanitaire

المساعدة الإنسانية

Гуманитарная помощь

Humanitarian planning and programming

Planificación y programación humanitarias

Planification et programme humanitaire

تخطيط وبرمجة العمل الإنساني

Гуманитарное планирование и программы

Humanitarian response

Respuesta humanitaria

Intervention humanitaire

الاستجابة الإنسانية

Гуманитарная помощь

Humanitarian-development divide

Brecha entre la acción/ayuda humanitaria y para el desarrollo

Fossé entre aide humanitaire et aide au développement

الانقسام فيما بين المساعدة الإنسانية والتنموية

Разрыв гуманитарного развития