Entity-specific implementation plans on gender parity

The Secretary-General’s System-wide Strategy on Gender Parity recommends all UN system entities to align or develop specific gender strategies and implementation plans, which include specific targets, measures, and resources, to reach the goals and reflect the recommendations of the Strategy. In November 2020, the Secretary-General requested all entities to develop updated implementation plans for the next two-year period. In August 2022, the Chef de Cabinet of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General once again requested all United Nations entities to develop updated implementation plans for 2022–2024.

Moreover, in UN General Assembly resolution 76/142 (2021), Member States requested that the United Nations further accelerate efforts to achieve the goal of 50/50 gender balance at all levels, including at the UN country team level, and encouraged UN Women to continue to regularly report on progress made through entity-specific implementation plans.

Below are publicly available gender parity implementation plans of UN system entities.

UN system

UN Secretariat

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