Current vacancies

Please follow application instructions carefully and submit a UN Women Personal History Form (P11) as part of the application when specifically noted in the vacancy announcement.

Title Grade Country City Closing Date
Programme Assistant - For Afghan National Only - Kabul with travel to Provinces
GS-5 AFGHANISTAN Kabul with travel to Provinces
  • City Kabul with travel to Provinces
  • Closing Date
Vetted Experts Roster ? Gender Mainstreaming and EU Accession - Istanbul
International Consultant TURKEY Istanbul
  • Country TURKEY
  • City Istanbul
  • Closing Date
National Consultant «Coordination and Monitoring Expert on the Implementation of the Framework of Cooperation on the Prevention and Response to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence», for the Apparatus of the Government Commissioner for Gender Equality Policy
National Consultant UKRAINE Kyiv
  • Country UKRAINE
  • City Kyiv
  • Closing Date
UN Women: HR Specialist (Data, Reporting and Planning) Re-Advertised - New York
  • City New York
  • Closing Date
Diagnostico-línea de base para el proyecto ?Mujeres Resilientes al Cambio Climático: Áreas Forestales para la Seguridad Climática y la Consolidación para la Paz en Honduras (MUCAMPAZ)? - Tegucigalpa
National Consultant HONDURAS Tegucigalpa
  • Country HONDURAS
  • City Tegucigalpa
  • Closing Date
EVAWG Monitoring and Reporting Specialist (Open to Fijian Nationals ONLY) - Suva
SB-5 FIJI Suva
  • Country FIJI
  • City Suva
  • Closing Date
ONUMUJERES/ECU/PS/24-020 Consultoría para el fortalecimiento institucional del Ministerio del Trabajo para la prevención y atención en caso de acoso laboral y aplicación del Convenio 190 de la OIT - Quito, Ecuador
National Consultant Quito, Ecuador
  • Country
  • City Quito, Ecuador
  • Closing Date
Human Resources/Training and Development Associate - Kyiv
  • Country UKRAINE
  • City Kyiv
  • Closing Date
International Consultant: Data Collection Team Leader for the Together for Equality Endline Survey - Home-based with travel to Baucau, Covalima and Oecusse-Ambeno
International Consultant Timor Leste Home-based with travel to Baucau, Covalima and Oecusse-Ambeno
  • Country Timor Leste
  • City Home-based with travel to Baucau, Covalima and Oecusse-Ambeno
  • Closing Date
National Consultant: Data Collection Team Leader for the Together for Equality Endline Survey - Home-based with travel to Baucau, Covalima and Oecusse-Ambeno
National Consultant Timor Leste Home-based with travel to Baucau, Covalima and Oecusse-Ambeno
  • Country Timor Leste
  • City Home-based with travel to Baucau, Covalima and Oecusse-Ambeno
  • Closing Date