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Since the inception of UN Women, its advocacy and communications work have grown exponentially, including the need to produce relevant content, enhance media outreach…
This report showcases global trends in media reporting on gender-based violence and mapped existing evidence on the relationship between news media reporting of gender-…
This brief focuses on the impacts of COVID-19 on women and girls in sports in five areas—leadership, gender-based violence, economic opportunities, media participation…
This study serves as an evidence-based instrument that demonstrates how leveraging attitudinal change can be used as a critical tactic towards advancing gender equality…
In an effort to address the impacts of COVID-19, companies are developing a number of socially beneficial communications for the public. It is essential that these…
Modern day society is surrounded by media (television, film, radio, print and social media); consuming information, entertainment and ever-increasing channels of…
This media study is part of UN Women’s EU-funded project, “Promoting and protecting women migrant workers’ labour and human rights: Engaging with international, national…
The survey confirms that UN Women publications are widely useful to a diverse audience including the UN agencies, NGOs and CSOs, policy makers, development agencies,…