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There are more than 140 million illiterate young people in the world; more than half (86 million) are women. This is one example of why 189 nations adopted women's…
This issue of Women2000 provides an overview of the situation of widows across the globe, and their particular vulnerability to marginalization and invisibility across…
Despite comprising more than 50 percent of the world's population, women continue to remain under-represented as peace negotiators, whether in the context of a leader,…
Launched in June of 2000, "Progress of the World's Women" is UNIFEM's biennial investigation of progress made towards a world where women live free from violence,…
Focusing on developing countries, the report provides a gender perspective on the effects of economic trends associated with globalization, with a focus on employment…
Many of the steps taken to address sexual violence against women during armed conflict have occurred within the framework of the United Nations.
The importance of women's participation in decision-making at all levels has been stressed at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing as a matter of their human…

The present report provides a review and assessment of the extent to which Member States have implemented the agreed conclusions of the sixtiet

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