Civil society organization parallel reports

Civil society stakeholders are invited to share civil society reports on Beijing+30. UN Women will receive civil society reports from 1st November 2024 to 28 February 2025. Please submit reports to [ Click to reveal ]

Guidelines for report submission

• Reports containing discriminatory or abusive language, language targeting individuals or groups will not be published.

• Reports must not contain or include name or contact details or information of any individuals. Any references to individuals will be removed from final submission to protect personal privacy.

• Reports may be submitted in one of the official languages of the United Nations (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish) and will be published on the CSW website in the language received.

• Submitted reports should be the final version. You will not be able to edit your report after submission or send multiple versions.

• Civil society organizations are strongly encouraged to submit joint reports.

Submitted reports

  • Global
  • Africa, East and Southern
  • Africa, West and Central
  • Americas and the Caribbean
  • Asia and the Pacific 
  • Arab States