First Regular Session 2022 of the UN-Women Executive Board
14-15 February 2022; Zoom Virtual Room
- Decisions adopted by the Executive Board of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women during its First Regular Session 2022
- Decisions adopted by the Executive Board of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women at its 2021 sessions (UNW/2021/10)
[ AR | ZH | EN | FR | RU | ES ] - The matrix monitoring the implementation of the Executive Board decisions (updated 28 January 2022)
Web TV recording and eStatements
- Opening segment, first plenary meeting (Monday, 14 February)
- Third plenary meeting (Tuesday, 15 February)
- Closing segment, fourth plenary meeting (Tuesday, 15 February)
Information notes
- Information Note from the Secretariat on the participation in the First Regular Session
- Listening to Language Interpretation in Zoom: this document shows you how to access the interpretation options in Zoom, both on your desktop and your mobiles
- UNHQ Recommended Requirements for Listening to Remote Interpretation: this document was produced by the UNHQ Interpretation Service and outlines some key recommended technical requirements for listening to remote interpretation in virtual platforms
- UNHQ Recommended Practices for participants in meetings with remote interpretation
Opening of the session
- Opening remarks by President of the UN-Women Executive Board
- Opening remarks by Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of UN Women, Sima Bahous
- Statements by Member States and observers (eStatements)
Item 1: Organizational matters
- Annotated provisional agenda and workplan for the first regular session 2022 (UNW/2022/L.1)
[ AR | ZH | EN | FR | RU | ES ] - Provisional agenda and workplan for the annual session of 2022 (UNW/2022/CRP.1)
[ EN | FR | ES ] - Annual workplan for the Executive Board of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) for 2022 (UNW/2022/L.2)
[ AR | ZH | EN | FR | RU | ES ] - Report on the second regular session of 2021, 14 to 15 September 20211 (UNW/2021/9)
[ EN | FR | ES ]
Item 2: Audit matters
- Financial report and audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2020 and Report of the Board of Auditors (A/76/5/Add.12)
[ AR | ZH | EN | FR | RU | ES ] - Implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors contained in its reports on the United Nations funds and programmes for the year ended 31 December 2020 (A/76/307/Add.1)
[ AR | ZH | EN | FR | RU | ES ]- Updated status of UN-Women management actions to address outstanding audit recommendations in the UN Secretary General’s Report on ‘Implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors contained in its reports on the United Nations funds and programmes for the year ended 31 December 2020’
- Presentation: Management Response to the Report of the Board of Auditors (For the year ended 31 December 2020
Item 3: Policy and programme matters
- Background Note: 'Arab States Briefing on the operational response at the regional level to the Executive Board of UN-Women, First Regular Session 2022’
- Background Note: 'Protection Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment – Update on the implementation of recommendations in the independent victim-centred review of UN-Women policies and processes on tackling sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment'
- Background document: '2021 End-of-Year Management Letter on protection from sexual exploitation and abuse and reporting of SEA allegations'
Item 4: Evaluation
- Evidence and lessons on types of UN-Women support: a meta-synthesis of UN-Women evaluations (UNW/2022/CRP.2)
[ EN | FR | ES ] - Management Response to the Meta-Synthesis of UN-Women Evaluations
Item 5: Joint UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board meeting
- Presentation: 'UN Women's Key Updates on Implementation of UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board Recommendations'
- Background document: UNAIDS 2020 Performance Monitoring Report: Organizational Report (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women)
Item 6: Address by the Chair of the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS and UN-Women Staff Council and management action
Closing of the session
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