First regular session 2012

Documents for the first regular session of the UN-Women Executive Board, 24 January 2012.

Item Documents Download
1 Organizational matters
Provisional agenda, annotations and documentation, and workplan: Note by the Executive Board secretariat (UNW/2012/L.1/Rev.1) ar | enes
 frru | zh
Report of the second regular session of 2011 (UNW/2012/2) ar | enes
 frru | zh
Draft annual workplan of the Executive Board for 2012 (UNW/2012/L.2) en
2 Operational activities
Statement by the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director en
Report of the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women on operational activities (UNW/2012/1) ar | enes
 frru | zh