Progress on outcome indicators
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Impact areas: Leadership & political participation | Economic empowerment | Ending violence against women | Peace & security & humanitarian action | National planning & budgeting | Global norms, policies & standards
Impact area 5: Governance and national planning fully reflect accountability for gender equality commitments and priorities
UN Women works to integrate commitments to gender equality in national plans and strategies, put in place mechanisms to increase accountability, and mainstream gender perspectives in HIV/AIDS strategies.
The charts below summarize progress against outcome indicators as articulated in the Development Results Framework. Two out of three outcomes are achieved.
Drivers of success for this impact area include the ability to garner political support at the national level. Sustained and long-term capacity-building, as well as the ability to monitor government spending to demand greater accountability, are important factors. Ultimately, a commitment to transparency in public spending and the enhanced role and participation of citizens is critical. Going forward, UN Women will adopt a holistic framework for gender-responsive governance and participation.
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