Expert group meeting: Beijing+30: Emerging issues and future directions for gender equality and women’s rights
UN Women convened a virtual expert group meeting (EGM) on 13–15 August 2024 in preparation for the sixty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women, which will focus on the review and appraisal of the implementation of the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the 23rd special session of the General Assembly held in 2000.
Expert papers
- Gladys Acosta Vargas, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, 2015–2022)
“States international responsibility” (PDF, 152KB) - Zainah Anwar, Musawah
“Law reform amidst gender backlash and democratic backsliding” (PDF, 188KB) - Laisa Bulatale, Fiji Women’s Rights Movement
“Pacific feminist approaches to ensure effective accountability: Sharing from our small Pacific Island States” (PDF, 180KB) - Ayesha Constable, Young People for Action on Climate Change Jamaica
“Gender justice is climate justice: Promoting gender equality and securing the rights of women and girls in a worsening climate crisis” (PDF, 182KB) - Ahmed Dahmani, Civil Coalition for Gender-Sensitive Budgeting in Morocco
“Accès équitable aux finances publiques pour un contrat social garantissant les droits et l’égalité : L’expérience marocaine” (PDF, 206KB) - Beverley Palesa Ditsie, LGBTIQA+ activist
“This revolution must be televised: Utilizing media to resist the deliberate symbolic annihilation of feminist and queer narratives that challenge dominant discourses” (PDF, 105KB) - Hija Kamran, Women’s Rights Programme, Association for Progressive Communications
“Charting the future: Revisiting Beijing's commitments in the digital era” (PDF, 245KB) - Leah Moss and Happy Mwende Kinyili, Mama Cash
“Resourcing feminist movements well delivers progress on gender equality goals” (PDF, 186KB) - Mama Koité Doumbia, Platform of Women Leaders of Mali
“Réflexions et bilan sur les principaux domaines de progrès, de lacunes et des défis en matière d’égalité des sexes et des droits humains des femmes au cours des 30 dernières années” (PDF, 232KB) - Esther Mwaura Muiru, Stand for Her Land [S4HL] Campaign
“Sustaining and Growing the Big Wins of the 1995 World Conference on Women: A Case for Advancing Women's Control and Ownership of Land and Resource Rights” (PDF, 206KB) - Ayshka Najib, Action Coalition on Feminist Action for Climate Justice, Fridays for Future Most Affected People and Areas
“Redefining, reimagining and rebuilding multilateralism: Young feminist visions” (PDF, 219KB) - Verónica Serafini Geoghegan, Latindadd
“Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: Economic context and financing challenges 30 years later. A Latin American perspective” (PDF, 235KB) - Tulika Srivastava, IWRAW Asia Pacific
“Mobilizing resources to realize the vision of the Beijing Platform for Action” (PDF, 132KB) - Edita Tahiri, Regional Women’s Lobby in South-East Europe
“Gender equality in political power sharing for a better world” (PDF, 137KB) - Prabhleen Tuteja, The YP foundation
“Centring dialogue, decision making and dissent: The young feminist vision for a civic world” (PDF, 163KB) - Paola Yañez Inofuentes, Network of Afro-Latin American, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women
“Intersectionality at the Centre to Achieve Gender Justice” (PDF, 158KB)
“La interseccionalidad en el centro para alcanzar la justicia de género” (PDF, 157KB) - Cai Yiping, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era
“Beijing +30: Vitalizing women’s rights and the gender equality agenda amid transitions” (PDF, 223KB)
Observer papers
- International Organization for Migration
“Beijing Platform for Action 30-year review” (PDF, 150KB) - United Nations Population Fund
“Three decades of Beijing Platform for Action: A Closer look at sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls” (PDF, 88KB)