Results of the rapid gender assessment surveys on the impact of COVID-19 in Chile, Colombia, and Mexico

Results of the rapid gender assessment surveys on the impact of COVID-19 in Chile, Colombia, and Mexico
Results from COVID-19 rapid gender assessments will be presented to unpack how women and girls are being impacted by the pandemic in Chile, Colombia, and Mexico, followed by a panel discussion on the importance of such data complementary to official statistics. Full details ▼
Event type:
Start date: 01 March 2021 | Start time: 14:00 UTC +00:00
End date: 01 March 2021 | End time: 16:00 UTC +00:00
Location: Online, Zoom

Event description

Event registration ►

Languages: English and Spanish

Recognizing the high impact of COVID-19 in the Americas and Caribbean region, UN Women is conducting rapid gender assessments (RGAs) to better understand how the COVID-19 crisis is affecting peoples’ lives in terms of the socio-economic impacts, distribution of care work, and access to basic goods and services.

To this end, UN Women partnered with the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity (MinMujeryEG) of Chile, the National Institute for Women (INMUJERES) of Mexico, and the Presidential Council for Women's Equity (CPEM) of Colombia, to carry out RGAs in each country in 2020.

During the event, results from these surveys will be presented to unpack how women and girls are being impacted by the pandemic in each country, followed by a panel discussion on the importance of such data as complementary to official statistics, as well as a comparative overview of the three RGAs.

Sponsored by: Latin America and the Caribbean
Other Co-Sponsors: UN Women Chile, Colombia, and Mexico, and the Global Centre of Excellence on Gender Statistics in coordination with Women Count