Call for proposals: Accelerate implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and disability-inclusive Sustainable Development Goals

Submission deadline: 17 October 2022

The project’s intended impact is that persons with disabilities and organizations for persons with disabilities (OPDs), including underrepresented persons with disabilities (PWDs), OPDs from remote areas, women, children and those with multiple and/or invisible disabilities, are aware of their rights and protection on equality and non-discrimination according to laws, policies, and plans, have attained inclusive economic empowerment, and are capacitated to meaningfully contribute at the policy level.

Contact information

  • Contact person: Umma Salma Ahmed
  • Email: umma.ahmed[at]
  • Telephone: +88-01841764750

Call for proposals: Building capacity of civil society organizations in designing, managing, and monitoring ending violence against women and girls programs

Submission deadline: 06 October 2022

UN Women seeks a registered non-government organization to strengthen and support capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) to design, implement, and monitor/mentor programming on ending violence against women and girls.

This is a key part of the work for women’s rights groups, autonomous social movements, and relevant CSOs, including those representing youth and groups facing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination/marginalization, for more effective influence and for advancing progress on gender equality and women’s empowerment and ending violence against women and girls, including domestic violence and intimate partner violence.

Contact information

  • Contact person: Liliana Amaral
  • Email: liliana.amaral[at]
  • Telephone: +670 77357168

Call for proposals: Women’s economic empowerment in Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan

Submission deadline: 14 October 2022

This call for proposals aims to support the “Women’s economic empowerment” (WEE) initiative in Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan by mobilizing women workers and women owned businesses and connecting them with a range of services and resources (access to finance, markets, skills development, and enterprise development, etc.) to increase their participation in the economic sphere.

The activities will also create linkages with government led social protection initiatives as well as micro-finance institutions and incorporating violence against women as a cross-cutting theme.

The proponents can submit the technical and financial proposals in hard form, in separate sealed envelopes, while the supporting documentation can be shared in soft form at the email address provided in the CFP document.

However, please note that no reference to financial proposal/total value should be provided in soft documentation, which may lead to disqualification of the proposal.

Contact information

  • Contact person: Anum Aftab
  • Email: anum.aftab[at]
  • Telephone: +92-343-3025164

Call for proposals: Strengthening capacity of women living with HIV/AIDs and LGBTQI+ communities

Submission deadline: 10 October 2022

The overall objective of the initiative is to strengthen government response at local level to address gender-based violence, stigma, and discrimination faced by vulnerable women, women living with HIV/AIDs, and LGBTQI+ communities and to strengthen their access to quality essential health and other services through policy advocacy.

Contact information

  • Contact person: Santosh Acharya
  • Email:[at]
  • Telephone: +977-01-5523200