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Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 74/235 on women in development, in the present report, the Secretary-General considers global evidence and trends and reviews and…
This publication is a collaboration between the UN Women’s Independent Evaluation Service and the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health to…
In this report, the UN Secretary-General provides information on the global prevalence of female genital mutilation and its impacts on women and girls, referencing…
This report provides a detailed history and analysis of the survivor-centered social, legal and political strategies that were employed by those involved in the Sepur…
The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) launches its annual report for 2021, the first year of its new Strategic Plan (2021-2025). Despite…
This toolkit serves as an introductory reference for those working on care as a means to achieve gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls, and the Sustainable…
The focus in this guide is climate and disaster risk finance and insurance, a thematic area where gender analysis has been less widely implemented than in some other…
Drawing on a unique global dataset of nearly 5,000 measures adopted by 226 countries and territories in response to COVID-19, this UN Women and UNDP report finds that…
Using examples of work in 2021 and achievements over the first ten years of the organization, the 2021 report highlights how regular resources remain the bedrock for UN…
This internal resource guide seeks to provide preliminary guidance to UN Women in advancing its focus on the human rights of people with diverse sexual orientations,…