Current vacancies

Please follow application instructions carefully and submit a UN Women Personal History Form (P11) as part of the application when specifically noted in the vacancy announcement.

Title Grade Country City Closing Date
Women Peace and Security Intern - Amman
Intern JORDAN Amman
  • Country JORDAN
  • City Amman
  • Closing Date
Pasantía de Apoyo a la Estrategia de Trabajo del Pacto Global Colombia y ONU Mujeres con el Sector Privado - Bogotá
Intern COLOMBIA Bogotá
  • Country COLOMBIA
  • City Bogotá
  • Closing Date
Coordinador/a de la Estrategia de Fortalecimiento de Capacidades ? Secretaría Técnica de los Fondos Concursables para Sociedad Civil - Bogotá
  • Country COLOMBIA
  • City Bogotá
  • Closing Date
UN Women: Regional Director - East and Southern Africa - Nairobi
D-1 KENYA Nairobi
  • Country KENYA
  • City Nairobi
  • Closing Date
Administrative Associate - Abuja
  • Country NIGERIA
  • City Abuja
  • Closing Date
International Private Sector Engagement Consultant - Beijing
International Consultant CHINA Beijing
  • Country CHINA
  • City Beijing
  • Closing Date
International Consultant to Prepare the Report of the National Study on Violence Against Women in Politics (VAWP) in Cote d'Ivoire and related advocacy materials - Home based
International Consultant Home based
  • Country
  • City Home based
  • Closing Date
Administrative Assistant - Montevideo,Uruguay
GS-5 Montevideo,Uruguay
  • Country
  • City Montevideo,Uruguay
  • Closing Date
National Country Portfolio Evaluation Consultant-for Tunisian only - home based
National Consultant TUNISIA home based
  • Country TUNISIA
  • City home based
  • Closing Date
Story Writing and Proof Editing - 1 for Nepali and 1 for English (2 Consultant) - Home based (on retainer basis)
National Consultant NEPAL Home based (on retainer basis)
  • Country NEPAL
  • City Home based (on retainer basis)
  • Closing Date