Vacantes actuales

Siga atentamente las instrucciones de la solicitud y envíe el formulario de historial personal de ONU Mujeres (P11) como parte de la solicitud cuando se indique específicamente en el anuncio de la vacante.

Title Grade Country City Closing Date
Coordinador/a de la Estrategia de Fortalecimiento de Capacidades ? Secretaría Técnica de los Fondos Concursables para Sociedad Civil - Bogotá
  • Country COLOMBIA
  • City Bogotá
  • Closing Date
Pasantía de Apoyo a la Estrategia de Trabajo del Pacto Global Colombia y ONU Mujeres con el Sector Privado - Bogotá
Intern COLOMBIA Bogotá
  • Country COLOMBIA
  • City Bogotá
  • Closing Date
UN Women: Regional Director - East and Southern Africa - Nairobi
D-1 KENYA Nairobi
  • Country KENYA
  • City Nairobi
  • Closing Date
Women Peace and Security Intern - Amman
Intern JORDAN Amman
  • Country JORDAN
  • City Amman
  • Closing Date
Administrative Associate - Abuja
  • Country NIGERIA
  • City Abuja
  • Closing Date
International Consultant to Prepare the Report of the National Study on Violence Against Women in Politics (VAWP) in Cote d'Ivoire and related advocacy materials - Home based
International Consultant Home based
  • Country
  • City Home based
  • Closing Date
Administrative Assistant - Montevideo,Uruguay
GS-5 Montevideo,Uruguay
  • Country
  • City Montevideo,Uruguay
  • Closing Date
International Private Sector Engagement Consultant - Beijing
International Consultant CHINA Beijing
  • Country CHINA
  • City Beijing
  • Closing Date
Story Writing and Proof Editing - 1 for Nepali and 1 for English (2 Consultant) - Home based (on retainer basis)
National Consultant NEPAL Home based (on retainer basis)
  • Country NEPAL
  • City Home based (on retainer basis)
  • Closing Date
UN Women: Programme Coordinator - Brussels
P-3 BELGIUM Brussels
  • Country BELGIUM
  • City Brussels
  • Closing Date