Call for applications for the establishment of a Civil Society Regional Reference Group

Submission deadline: 18 November 2021

The Spotlight Initiative Africa Regional Programme (SIARP) intends to work closely with women’s movements and relevant human rights–based civil society organizations on implementation of its programmes in a mutually supportive and reinforcing way, deploying and building upon their vast knowledge and experience. To this end, the Initiative wishes to establish a Civil Society Regional Reference Group (CS-RRG) as an institutional mechanism to inform implementation of the Africa Regional Programme.

Contact information

  • Contact person: Beletshachew Aynalem
  • Email: spotlight.stream1[at]
  • Telephone: +2511911891842


Submission deadline: 05 November 2021

Call for Proposal (CFP) for Responsible Parties / (For Civil Society Organizations - CSOs)

UN Women is implementing the “Making Migration Safe for Women” programme in Niger with the goal of ensuring that migration is safe for women migrating from, into and through Niger, and that international norms and standards for protecting and promoting migrant women’s rights are strengthened. More specifically, the programme seeks to enable migrant women and their organizations to advocate for the promotion and protection of migrant women’s rights in Niger. UN Women seeks to provide potential and actual migrant women with access to gender-responsive information on safe migration, the rights and responsibilities of migrant women, the gendered risks and challenges during the different stages of migration, and how to access assistance and support services, by engaging the services of a local civil society organisation (CSO) as Responsible Party in Niger.

Contact information

• Contact person’s name: Caterina Torchiaro• Email address:• Telephone (including country code): +227 91313151


Submission deadline: 10 November 2021

Mise en place d’un répertoire de partenaires d’exécution de projet en appui aux interventions programmatiques de ONU Femmes en république Centrafricaine (RCA)

Il s’agit de recruter de potentiels partenaires de mis en œuvre des interventions programmatiques pour le bureau de ONU Femmes Centrafrique.

Contact information

• Contact person’s name: N’GBARAMOU Jean-Jacques Anderson• Email address:• Telephone (including country code): +23675091047


UNW-WCA-CAF-CFP-2021-001 Mise en place d’un répertoire de partenaires d’exécution

Submission deadline: 10 November 2021

Mise en place d’un répertoire de partenaires d’exécution de projet en appui aux interventions programmatiques de ONU Femmes en république Centrafricaine (RCA)

Le bureau d’ONU FEMMES en RCA souhaite établir une base de données de potentiels partenaires d'exécution de ses programmes et projets dans le pays. Pour ce faire, ce présent appel à propositions (AP) est lancé afin de procéder à la sélection des soumissionnaires qui répondent à toutes les exigences conformes aux procédures de ONU Femmes en la matière. Les organisations de la société civile nationales et internationales reconnues selon les dispositifs légaux dans le pays peuvent soumissionnées.Les organisations faisant la promotion de l’autonomisation des femmes et de l’égalité des sexes sont fortement encouragées.Les propositions (une version électronique) doivent parvenir à ONU FEMMES à l'adresse électronique ( appel à propositions comprend les sections ci-dessous et une série d'annexes qui seront complétées par les soumissionnaires et retournées avec leur proposition par courriel, au plus tard le 10 NOVEMBRE 2021 à 17H00, à l’adresse suivante : infonufemmes.rca@unwomen.orgSection 1 : Lettre d’appel à propositions (ce document)Section 2 : Fiche de l’appel à propositionsSection 3 : Instructions aux organisations soumissionnairesSection 4 : Description des services requis et conditions d’éligibilitéAnnexes de l’appel à propositions à compléter obligatoirement : Annexe 1 Exigences obligatoires / critères de préqualificationAnnexe 2 Formulaire de soumission de proposition technique et financièreAnnexe 3 Liste de contrôle d'évaluation des capacitésAnnexe 4 Formulaire d’engagement SEAAnnexe 5 Expériences similaires de l’organisation soumissionnaire et de son partenaireAnnexe 6 Formulaire de Document de projet

Contact information

• Contact person’s name: N’GBARAMOU Jean-Jacques Anderson• Email address:• Telephone (including country code): +23675091047

Call for proposals-Supporting Sustainable Peace in Blue Nile State in Sudan

Submission deadline: 25 October 2021

This project will be implemented in 3 localities of Baw, Kurmuk and Garsian. This project aims to support and engender the peace process in Blue Nile state by enhancing climate resilient livelihoods options for women, youth, and other marginalized groups, improving the local governance of natural resources by ensuring the full and equal representation of women and strengthening the local conflict resolution mechanisms that underpin the development prospects of all groups. 

Contact information

  • Contact person name: Mary Adhiambo Mbeo
  • E-mail address:
  • Telephone (including country code): +249 900931529

CfP to carry out ethnographic review of the community harmful social norms and support grassroots advocacy initiatives on the prevention of VAWG by applying Gender Action Learning System (GALS)

Submission deadline: 15 November 2021

The assignment will be undertaken under the Spotlight Initiative, contributing to the fulfillment of the SI Outcome 3 “Gender equitable social norms, attitudes and behaviour change at community and individual levels to prevent VAWG and harmful practices”, and the SI Output 3.2. “Community advocacy platforms are established to develop strategies and interventions, incl. community dialogues, public information and advocacy campaigns, to promote gender-equitable norms, attitudes and behaviour, incl. in relation to women and girls’ self-confidence and self-esteem and transforming harmful masculinities”.



Contact information

  • Contact person’s name: Diana Ismailova
  • Email address: [ Click to reveal ]
  • Telephone (including country code): +992 777070730

Call for proposal-Supporting Sustainable Peace in Blue Nile State Sudan

Submission deadline: 07 October 2021

This project will be implemented in 3 localities of Baw, Kurmuk and Garsian. This project aims to support and engender the peace process in Blue Nile state by enhancing climate resilient livelihoods options for women, youth, and other marginalized groups, improving the local governance of natural resources by ensuring the full and equal representation of women and strengthening the local conflict resolution mechanisms that underpin the development prospects of all groups. 

Contact information

  • Contact person name: Mary Adhiambo Mbeo
  • E-mail address:
  • Telephone (including country code): +249 900931529

Call for proposal-Strengthening the Gender Architecture in Sudan

Submission deadline: 02 October 2021

Through this Call for Proposals, UN Women seeks proposals from women-led NGOs, women’s coalitions and NGOs with strong track record in advancing Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and young women specifically at community and grassroot level. NGOs will have proven capacity to develop and implement innovative interventions with the strategic objective of transforming the environment that reinforces unequal power relations in the household, community, and in the civil society domain (amongst CSOs, women groups and coalitions) that contributes to poor accountability to gender equality and human rights of women in economical, social, legal and political domains.

Contact information

  • Contact person name: Hanadi Abdelhalim
  • E-mail address: [ Click to reveal ]
  • Telephone (including country code): 00249966137289