Call for proposal for improving quality and utilization of VAWG services for women and girls with disabilities (WGWD) in 6 target districts

Submission deadline: 17 October 2021

Call for proposal for improving quality and utilization of VAWG services for women and girls with disabilities (WGWD) in 6 target districts

The objective is to increase the capacity and resources of medical forensic services and 6 relevant CSOs to deliver higher quality and more coordinated essential services and access to justice to WGWD - survivors of violence, especially those facing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination. This will be supported by increased access to information to women and girls’ survivors of violence and their families regarding access to quality essential services.

Contact information

Call for proposals: Mechanisms implementation for the protection of women and girls rights and capacity building of local actors to promote the contribution of women to development and social cohesion in Tunisia

Submission deadline: 10 October 2021

UN Women Tunisia Office welcomes proposals for partnerships to achieve results under the following areas of work:

Implement mechanisms to protect the rights of women and girls and prevent violent extremism: focus on supporting the establishment of protection mechanisms for women and girls victims of violence and identifying needs in terms of human rights development and prevention of violent extremism.

Raise awareness and strengthen the capacities of actors at the local level: through trainings and tools to promote the contribution of women to social development and cohesion.

Reference number: UNW-AS-TUN-CFP-2021-002

Contact information


Call for proposals-Building capacity of women and key stakeholders at national and grassroot level to contribute to effective implementation of National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (NAP WPS) (UNW-AP-BGD-WPS-CFP-2021-001)

Submission deadline: 22 September 2021

UN Women is seeking to identify a CSO partner to support the process of effective localized implementation of National Action Plan on Women Peace and Security (NAP WPS) by building capacity of women at national and local level.

Contact information

Contact person's name:  Tania Sharmin

Email address:  tania.sharmin(at)

Tel: +8801713012570

Call for proposals-Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund in the Philippines (UNW-APA-PHL-2021-CFP-001)

Submission deadline: 22 October 2021

The Call for proposal is under Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF),composed of representatives from donors, United Nations entities, and civil society organizations, which is a global pooled funding mechanism aims to re-energize action and stimulate a significant increase in financing for women’s participation, leadership, and empowerment in peace and security processes and humanitarian response. processes and response. Projects should be implemented in the Philippines.

Contact information

Contact person's name: Riza Torrado

Email address: riza.torrado(at)

Tel: +63 9176273422

Call for proposals-Strengthening Women livelihoods

Submission deadline: 18 September 2021

Call for proposals-Strengthening Women livelihoods

The project is seeking to involve international or national organizations working on strengthening Women’s capacity in livelihoods, access to markets, savings and enhancing sustainable business skills development in the IDPs and host communities to contribute to achieve the project outcomes and outputs. The project will directly benefit a total of 3,440 women (mainly IDPs and women at risk in host communities) in Kismayo and Baidoa in sustaining their livelihoods and resilience.

Contact information

  • Contact person name: Abdirashid Mohamed Abdi
  • E-mail address: [ Click to reveal ]
  • Telephone (including country code): +252617017791

Call for proposals-Strengthening CSOs and Women Movement

Submission deadline: 11 September 2021

Through this Call for Proposals, UN Women seeks proposals from women-led NGOs, women’s coalitions, and NGOs with strong track record in advancing Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and young women specifically at community and grassroot level. NGOs will have proven capacity to develop and implement innovative interventions with the strategic objective of transforming the environment that reinforces unequal power relations in the household, community, and in the civil society domain (amongst CSOs, women groups and coalitions) that contributes to poor accountability to gender equality and human rights of women in economic, social, legal, and political domains.

Contact information

  • Contact person name: Hanadi Abdelhalim
  • E-mail address: [ Click to reveal ]
  • Telephone (including country code): 00249966137289

Call for proposals: Supporting work on women’s political participation and women, peace and security in Lebanon

Submission deadline: 17 September 2021

UN Women Lebanon Office welcomes proposals for partnerships to achieve results under the following areas of work:

  • Women’s Political Participation – with a focus on monitoring and highlighting cases of Violence Against Women in Elections and Politics, in the period leading up to the 2022 parliamentary elections.
  • Women, Peace and Security – with a focus on women-led community dialogue and reconciliation.

Reference number: UNW-AS-LBN-CFP-2021-002

Contact information

Women’s Political Participation:

  • Contact person name: Jad Halabi
  • E-mail address: [ Click to reveal ]
  • Telephone (including country code): +96170351098

Women Peace and Security:

  • Contact person name: Jumanah Zabaneh
  • E-mail address: [ Click to reveal ]
  • Telephone (including country code): +9613498317


Call for proposals-Gender-responsive communication, community engagement and feedback mechanism (UNW-AP-NPL-CFP-2021-008)

Submission deadline: 15 September 2021

This initiative seeks to: enhance access to information related to COVID-19 and other disasters from gender and social inclusion lens for diverse women and excluded groups for effective preparedness, response and recovery; track, trace and address rumours in COVID-19 contet and provide correct information to women and excluded groups as an effective risk communication strategy; and enhance capacities of journalists to develop gender responsive media content in COVID-19 context.

Contact information

Contact person's name: Ashma Shrestha

Email address: ashma.shrestha (at)

Tel: +01 5523200

Call for Proposals to support the establishment of a regional grant-making entity and the capacity building of CSOs in Central Asia and Afghanistan

Submission deadline: 20 August 2021

Spotlight Initiative Regional Programme for Central Asia and Afghanistan will identify potential Responsible Parties that will 1) build capacity of the selected CSO on requirements for grant-making procedures, provide technical support to develop strategies for resource mobilization and use of alternative funding mechanisms; and 2) provide capacity building of other CSOs in the six countries to fully participate in the regional women’s movement building.

Contact information

  • Contact person’s name: Aitzhamal Mansurova
  • Email address: [ Click to reveal ]
  • Telephone (including country code): +77778140078

Call for Proposals to implement actions in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine aimed at overcoming and addressing gender stereotypes and discriminatory social norms through behavioral change at the individual and community levels

Submission deadline: 08 September 2021

This is a second round of the Call for Proposals that address civil society organizations of six Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) promoting gender equality, women’s empowerment, prevention and combating gender-based violence. The proposals are expected to suggest continuation of the initiatives started during the first round of the Call for Proposals, announced in 2020, or to suggest new initiatives that will contribute to tackling and combating gender stereotypes and adverse social norms as the underlying causes of gender inequality and violence against women as its most pervasive form. The initiatives, supported through this Call for Proposals, will be complementary to the activities implemented by UN Women and UNFPA under the joint project “EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence" project, funded by the European Union” in six project countries.

Contact information

  • Contact person’s name: Olga Osaulenko
  • Email address: [ Click to reveal ]
  • Telephone (including country code): N/A