Expression of Interest - Spotlight Initiative Regional Program STREAM 1

Submission deadline: 30 November 2020

The Spotlight Initiative Regional Programme stream I is seeking expressions of interest from civil society women’s rights organizations in Africa including those representing Regional and country networks. This regional level partnership will particularly involve CSOs and research/training institutes already working in the target regions: West, Central, East and South Africa regions with the expertise, programming experience and activities in SGBV, SRHR, HP, and VAWG, including work in the Spotlight thematic areas

Contact information

Contact person name: Amen A Deneke
E-mail address: [ Click to reveal ]
Telephone (including country code): +251900830714

Call for proposals-Knowledge building on promising approaches to prevent violence against women and girls to agree on a comprehensive national behaviour change strategy that works across the ecological model (CFP-TLS-2020-011)

Submission deadline: 09 November 2020

Call for proposals-Knowledge building on promising approaches to prevent violence against women and girls to agree on a comprehensive national behaviour change strategy that works across the ecological model (CFP-TLS-2020-011)

UN Women seeks a registered non-government organization (or joint application from several organizations) to provide support to knowledge-building on primary prevention and developing a national VAWG prevention strategy for behaviour and social norms change which covers holistic programming across the ecological model.

Contact information

Contact person's name: Kathryn Robertson

Email address: kathryn.robertson(at)

Tel: +760 78469915

Call for proposals-Participatory Action Research and analysis of domestic violence legislation, gaps and presentation of recommendations (CFP-TLS-2020-010)

Submission deadline: 10 November 2020

Call for proposals-Participatory Action Research and analysis of domestic violence legislation, gaps and presentation of recommendations (CFP-TLS-2020-010)

Under the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative, UN Women in Timor-Leste is seeking a non-government organization (or joint application from several organizations) to conduct Feminist Participatory Action Research and analysis of the Law on Domestic Violence and related legislation, including its gaps and presentation of recommendations. This will increase understanding of the experiences of perspective of users on the strengths and weaknesses of the legislative framework.

Contact information

Contact person's name: Kathryn Robertson

Email address: kathryn.robertson (at)

Tel: +760 78469915

Call for proposals-Implement programming on Connect with Respect (CWR) and gender-responsive positive parenting in three municipalities (CFP-TLS-2020-008)

Submission deadline: 30 October 2020

Call for proposals-Implement programming on Connect with Respect (CWR) and gender-responsive positive parenting in three municipalities (CFP-TLS-2020-008)

UN Women through the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative is seeking a locally registered non-government organization (or joint application from several organizations) to provide technical support and capacity development to 45 schools in 3 municipalities to roll-out the Connect with Respect curriculum and complementary gender-responsive positive parenting sessions, as part of a whole-school approach to eliminate violence against women and children. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport will also be supported.

Contact information

Contact person's name: Kathryn Robertson

Email address: kathryn.robertson (at)

Tel: +760 78469915


Call for proposals - Promoting participation and inclusion of women in promoting peace in Somalia

Submission deadline: 08 October 2020

The Somalia Programme on WPS is implemented by UN Women in coordination with the FGS Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development. The objective of this programme is to create an enabling environment to promote participation and inclusion of women in decisions and efforts related to conflict prevention and resolution, women’s safety, and security. This CFP seeks proposals from women CSOs in Somalia with a record in gender and WPS.

Contact information

  • Contact person name: Julius OTIM
  • E-mail address: [ Click to reveal ] (Clarification only not for proposal submission)
  • Telephone (including country code):+252613885540 / +256 772 573881

Call for proposals-Develop intervention with Faith-Based Group for healthy relationships and prevention of violence against women and girls in Timor-Leste (CFP-TLS-2020-007)

Submission deadline: 29 October 2020

Call for proposals-Develop intervention with Faith-Based Group for healthy relationships and prevention of violence against women and girls in Timor-Leste (CFP-TLS-2020-007)

UN Women Timor-Leste through the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative is seeking a non-government organization to develop or adapt programming with faith-based groups aimed at promoting non-violent and gender equitable norms at individual and family level, community mobilization and documentation and sharing of learnings. In all of the activities, there should be an effort to engage with people who are most marginalized.

Contact information

Contact person's name: Kathryn Robertson

Email address:

Tel: +760 78469915

Call for proposals-Strengthening essential services for women and girls with disabilities in Timor-Leste (CFP-TLS-2020-009)

Submission deadline: 23 October 2020

Call for proposals-Strengthening essential services for women and girls with disabilities in Timor-Leste (CFP-TLS-2020-009)

Opportunity for organization(s) led by people with disabilities to strengthen essentials services for women and girls with disabilities who experience violence in Timor-Leste.

Contact information

Contact person's name: Liliana Amral

Email address: liliana.amaral (at)

Tel.: +670 773 57168


Call for proposals - To implement activities related to community sensitization and policy advocacy

Submission deadline: 13 October 2020

UN Women is looking for a local organization in Tanzania to implement activities related to community sensitization and awareness on women’s economic rights and shared domestic responsibilities. UN Women under this Joint Programme with UNFPA entitled “Realizing Gender Equality through Empowering Women and Adolescent Girls” aim to enhance social and economic status of women and adolescent girls.

Contact information

  • Contact person name: Michael Jerry
  • E-mail address: [ Click to reveal ] (Clarification only not for proposal submission)
  • Telephone (including country code):+255 699 596902

Call for Proposals for Implementing Partners to develop "Women's Profiles"

Submission deadline: 23 September 2020

Call for Proposals for Implementing Partners to develop "Women's Profiles"

UN Women seeks an organization to develop a series of thematic and brief multi‐dimensional data analyses (analytical briefs), focused on description of the most relevant analytical determinations of women from different groups. In the context of present assignment areas of concern are determined by the vulnerability factor/dimension.      

Contact information

  • Contact person’s name:  Azima Abakirova    
  • Email address:
  • Telephone (including country code):  (+996)555 540 009    

Call for Proposals for Implementing Partners to develop "Women's Profiles"

Submission deadline: 14 September 2020

UN Women seeks an organization to develop a series of thematic and brief multidimensional data analyses (analytical briefs), focused on description of the most relevant analytical determinations of women from different groups. In the context of present assignment areas of concern are determined by the vulnerability factor/dimension.      

Contact information

  • Contact person’s name:  Azima Abakirova    
  • Email address: azima.abakirova[at]
  • Telephone (including country code):  (+996)555 540 009