Call for proposals-Sri Lanka-Delivery of capacity building training on social cohesion for CSOs

Submission deadline: 18 September 2020

This activity will empower target groups of women on entrepreneurial skills to support sustainable income generation, to relieve dependency and indebtedness, and enable resilience against re-victimisation by enabling them to establish sustainable, long term self-employment. It will further encourage women to play a key role on social cohesion and peacebuilding as evidence across the region establishes that women’s individual and collective roles in promoting peacebuilding extend beyond their family roles to civil society and religious settings where they can shape the decisions of community members to refrain from violent activities. In particular, it aims to address the specific limitations faced by vulnerable groups of women, including FHHs in accessing the necessary knowledge and information regarding markets and value addition of products, as well as access to financial resources.

Contact information

Contact person's name: Avanthi Kalansooriya

Email address: avanthi.kalansooriya(at)

Telephone (including country code): +94763508718

Call for proposals - Women empowerment through training and legal empowerment

Submission deadline: 15 September 2020

The UN Women  Somalia Country Office is seeking to engage a CSO as a Responsible Party (RP) that works on women access to justice and women’s rights with a focus on ending violence against women  and support to disadvantaged groups and minorities to facilitate the capacity building of women in Somaliland on their rights as citizens.

Contact information

  • Contact person name: Abdikadir Ahmed Noor         
  • E-mail address: [ Click to reveal ]         

Call for proposals - Women Empowerment in Sexual Reproductive Health rights in humanitarian settings

Submission deadline: 28 August 2020

UN Women Ethiopia is looking for an Implementing Partner (IP) - Local Civil Society Organization (CSO) who will be responsible to implement Program On Women’s Empowerment in Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (SRMNCAH) rights in Gambella in both refugee camps and hosting communities. The project will contribute to UN Women’s goal of, every woman, every child, every adolescent girl, everywhere demands her rights to quality SRMNCAH services in humanitarian settings.

Contact information

• Contact person name: Tsgereda Lemma

• E-mail address:

• Telephone (including country code): +251 911 631576

Call for proposals - Civil Society Shadow Reporting on the Implementation of the Secretary-General's System-wide Strategy on Gender Parity

Submission deadline: 05 October 2020

UN Women's Office of the Focal Point for Women in the UN system is looking for a Responsible Party (RP) to conduct a civil society shadow reporting on the implementation of the Secretary-General's System-wide Strategy on Gender Parity. The Strategy identifies shadow reporting on the overall Strategy as a significant element to increase transparency and accountability, and therefore encourages UN Women to work with civil society partners to undertake it.

Contact information

  • Contact person’s name: The Office of the Focal Point for Women in the UN System at UN Women. Gender Parity Specialist Shinobu Sasaki and Gender Parity Analyst Minna Nurminen
  • Email address: Focalpoint.forwomen[at]

Responding to the urgent needs of women and girls affected by COVID-19 in Europe and Central Asia

Submission deadline: 22 August 2020

This call for proposals is part of the regional project "Responding to the urgent needs of women and girls in marginalized and vulnerable situation exacerbated by the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Europe and Central Asia" which consists of a regional component and country components in Kyrgyzstan and Moldova. This call for proposal is specifically related to the regional component to be implemented at the regional level. As part of the regional component, UN Women will be empowering women to withstand the health crisis and its social and economic impacts, become self-reliant and resilient to future shocks and act as agents of change during and in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic through business and livelihood trainings and support. UN Women will also support women to improve their skills and capabilities to access sustainable livelihood opportunities and participate in decision-making processes.

Kindly note that deadline for the application was extended to 22 August. 

Contact information

  • Contact person’s name:  Megumi Iizuka    
  • Email address:

Call for Proposals - Realizing Gender Equality through Empowering Women and Adolescent Girls

Submission deadline: 31 August 2020

Call for Proposals - Realizing Gender Equality through Empowering Women and Adolescent Girls

UN Women is looking for a “Sunflower” Value chain responsible party for UN Women and UNFPA Joint Programme which aims to empower women and female youth farmers economically as a result of enhanced sunflower production and marketing.  The Responsible party will collaborate and support the overall AMCOS to adopt good agricultural practices (GAP) and post-harvest best practices to all male and female members.

Contact information

  • Contact person name:                       Michael Jerry
  • E-mail address:                                 [ Click to reveal ] (Clarification only not for proposal submission)
  • Telephone (including country code):+255 699 596902

Call for proposals 002 - Convocatoria de propuestas para partes responsables (Responsible parties) en el marco del Proyecto “Creando nuevas avenidas de resiliencia para sostener la paz desde las mujeres Kaqchiqueles, Q’eqchi’s y mestizas”, componente lideresas y coordinación interinstitucional para el incremento del acceso a la justicia.

Submission deadline: 27 August 2020

The CFP aims to support indigenous and mestizo women peacebuilders to disrupt drivers of conflict including hate speech, violence and repressive tactics in traditional and new terrains, such as the cyberterritories. Building upon their strengths and resilience, it also addresses the need to support women’s political social and their participation in public affairs, as a critical element to prevent and respond to conflict and post-conflict sexual violence and to sustain gains in attaining justice.

Call for proposals 001 - Convocatoria de propuestas para partes responsables (Responsible parties) en el marco del Proyecto “Creando nuevas avenidas de resiliencia para sostener la paz desde las mujeres Kaqchiqueles, Q’eqchi’s y mestizas”, componente acompañamiento institucional para mejorar la respuesta y la prevención de los conductores del conflicto y a las tácticas emergentes y continuadas de violencia contra las mujeres.

Submission deadline: 27 August 2020

The CFP aims to strengthen security and justice sector institutions to respond to systematic and emerging tactics targeting indigenous and mestizo women peacebuilders in traditional and new terrains, such as the cyberterritories. It also addresses the need to support women’s initiatives in alliance with State institutions to prevent and respond to conflict and post-conflict sexual violence and to sustain gains in attaining justice and the strengthening of accountability.

Contact information



Call for proposals - Convocatoria Conjunta UNW/UNFPA de Propuestas para Fortalecer el Trabajo de Defensoras de Derechos Humanos en la prevención y respuesta a la violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas y la violencia basada en género en el contexto de COVID-19

Submission deadline: 23 August 2020

Contar con una organización o un consorcio de organizaciones cuenten con capacidad comprobada para implementar iniciativas encaminadas a promover los derechos de las mujeres y específicamente el derecho a una vida libre de violencia de género; con capacidad de articulación y  fortalecimiento de capacidades de  organizaciones de la sociedad civil, organizaciones feministas y entidades centradas en los derechos de las mujeres del nivel local y territorial; con miras a ampliar el alcance de sus actividades e impacto, posiblemente creando sinergias con defensoras y organizaciones a nivel regional. Facilitando el intercambio de experiencias, observaciones, lecciones y estrategias para aumentar su influencia y capacidad de abogacía y de respuesta a la VBG, y promover su articulación, a través de la conformación de redes de cuidadoras que puedan implementar mecanismos de protección comunitaria.

Contact information


Call for proposals: Delivery of cash for work opportunities and messages on COVID-19 awareness

Submission deadline: 07 August 2020

Support cash-for-work opportunities for women and link these essential goods and services to organizations producing hygiene kits or providing health services in communities. Alongside this, dissemination of COVID-19 prevention messages, including addressing misogyny, hate speech and shared care burden and engaging women as community health ambassadors.

Contact information

Contact person’s name: Salila Klongboonjit
Email address: salila.klongboonjit[at]
