Call for proposals: Responsible Parties to Setup Leadership Clinic

Submission deadline: 06 March 2020

UN Women with the support from the Government of Canada under its Women Political Empowerment and Leadership project is seeking qualified partner/s (individual NGO or a Consortium of NGOs) to Setup Women Leadership Clinic. The Leadership Clinic will provide the necessary support and capacity building to women aspirants to conduct well-resourced campaigns. This is a critical element to positioning women to contest, win elected office and demonstrate transformational leadership.

Contact information


Call for proposals - Social norm change in Liberia

Submission deadline: 06 March 2020

UN Women with the support from the Government of Canada under its Women Political Empowerment and Leadership project is seeking qualified partner/s (individual NGO or a Consortium of NGOs) to promote social norm change through communication interventions focused on the 15 counties of Liberia ahead of the 2020 Senatorial Elections. This is to bridge the information gap on the value of women’s partnership in leadership and decision making.

Contact information


Call for proposals: Safe and Fair - VAW and human trafficking

Submission deadline: 15 October 2019

UNWOMEN has a joint Programme with ILO called “Safe and Fair: Realizing the Rights of Women Migrant Workers (WMWs) Rights and Opportunities in the ASEAN Region.” UNWOMEN is seeking innovative proposals from committed organizations that have extensive experience in the field of violence against women (VAW) service delivery, women’s labour migration and anti-human trafficking, particularly for enhancing quality service delivery and access for WMWs, and capacities of peer-to-peer networks for community mobilization in preventing and responding VAW and human trafficking.

Contact information

Contact person:  Trisukon Kunkaew

Email address:  trisukon.kunkaew[at]

Telephone (including country code):  +66 2 288 2216


Call for proposals: Supporting women's diplomacy and advocacy in peace processes

Submission deadline: 17 September 2019

UN Women is inviting non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academic institutions and think tanks working in the areas of women’s political empowerment, gender equality, violence against women, conflict prevention and resolution, social inclusion and support to community-based organizations to submit proposals  for provision of standby services consisting of strategic and tactical advice, diplomatic intelligence briefings, advocacy support and/or skill building (e.g. social media usage) to prepare selected individual women to assume/expand their role as negotiators, advocates and/or mediators and to provide assistance in the drafting, development and publishing/placement of 8-12 op-eds under the related outcome mentioned in the Call for Proposals document.

Contact information

Contact person:  Aneesa Walji
Email address:  aneesa.walji[at]
Telephone: +1 646 781-4916


Call for proposals: Assessing the implementation of the Women Peace and Security agenda in Latin America through knowledge material: development of policy briefs

Submission deadline: 18 June 2019

Provision of an expert assessment of the implementation of the women peace and security agenda from a thematic perspective in Latin America, to present technical inputs for advocacy and decision-making scenarios under the related outcome mentioned in the Call for Proposals.

Contact information

Contact person: Alejandro Sanchez

Email address: alejandro.sanchez[at]

Telephone: +1 646 781 4770


Call for proposals: Assessing the implementation of the Women Peace and Security agenda through knowledge material: development of policy briefs

Submission deadline: 17 May 2019

Assessment of the challenges and opportunities to the support of women's meaningful participation in peace processes; an overview of the opportunities for governments to influence both the participants and substance of peace processes at all levels and exploration of the gaps in implementation for the 20th anniversary of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 in Latin America will be the focus of the policy briefs.

Contact information

Contact person: Vicentiu Vlad

Email address: vicentiu.vlad[at]

Telephone: +1 646 781 4960


Call for proposals: Documenting good practice on accountability for conflict-related sexual violence: The Sepur Zarco case

Submission deadline: 08 March 2019

This CFP is launched within the context of the Women, Peace and Security Global Facility: From Resolutions to Accountability and Leadership programme implemented by UN Women and seeks to capture the knowledge generated by the Sepur Zarco case and the related good practices and lessons learned on justice for conflict-related sexual violence in Guatemala, to disseminate this information locally, nationally and globally and to contribute to the understanding of victim/survivor-centered justice and accountability for conflict-related sexual violence.

Contact information

Ana Grace Cabrera
+502 0223276340


Call for proposals: Implementing partners/responsible parties for the Second Chance Education and Vocational Learning (SCE) Programme – Australia

Submission deadline: 22 March 2019

The Second Chance Education and Vocational Learning (SCE) Programme will support the world's most disadvantaged women and young women with learning and employment pathways for 1) re-entry into formal education, 2) vocational education that provides a pathway to employment, and 3) entrepreneurship training and skills to start their own business.

Contact information

Simona Chladkova
+41 22 9178352
